A problem.
Lee Einer
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 06:28:43 -0700
I am really dismayed by the public displays of hostility in this thread
over a small and simple issue. I think that it reflects poorly on us.
This is a public forum. We should conduct ourselves accordingly, with
civility and mutual respect.
Lee Einer
Kevin Brown wrote:
>>>>As I said before "dude", the lists I'm on find it acceptable.
>>>>As do everyone else I e-mail to.
>>>>You don't like the way I send e-mail, delete anything from me.
>>>> email etiquitte dude. dont write in html. u should know that by now.
>>>i think that u should realize that some hardcore linux ppl do not use
>>>mail clients capable of reading html, pine, mutt, sylpheed, many more.
>>>using html on this or any other email list is just plain idiotic. in
>>>fact, some lists will get u unsusbcribed for doing it the first time.
>>>this is a linux list the last time i looked.
>>and on this note, i will leave this list again. hans, im sorry but i
>>left this list 2 years ago becuz of this bs. i dont need it and my email
>>account dont need it. this dont help anyone. later.
>Sorry to see you leave over an issue like this. I use an html capable email
>client (Netscape), but I still prefer non-html emails.
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