Me again, Thanks in advance for your patience
Frank burton
Sun, 20 Oct 2002 19:17:26 -0700
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Alright I'm back Again!!!
OK so here's where I'm at, RH 8 on a compaq laptop tried to get my modem=
working with some drivers I downloaded, didn't work. Someone suggested I=
try wvdialer or minicom. Now being brand new to linux I was a little con=
fused so searched the net to find more info. found a bit here and there t=
hen started experimenting.
So here is where I'm at right now. I'm trying wvdialer. logged in as root=
I typed wvdialer. here is the response.
-->Wvdialer: Internet dialer version 1.53
-->Warnig: section [Dialer Defaults] does not seem to exist in wvdialer.c=
-->Inintializing modem
>Sending: ATZ
OK =20
-->modem initialized
-->Configuration doesn't specify a valid phone number
or login in name or password.
SO OK I'm thinking this means I need to configure wvdialer. Problem is I =
don't have any clue how to do this.
I tried [root@localhost etc]# wvdialer.conf
which didn't work but I'm not surprised because I'm pretty clueless about=
command lines and I kind of make them up til I find one that works (not =
as root though, that scares me)
Anyway I realize I have posted a lot of questions as of late and I'm amaz=
e at the amount of help I've gotten, but I have spent a lot of time on th=
e web trying to figure stuff out before I come here. =20
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers."
-- Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943Get more from the Web. FREE MSN E=
xplorer download :
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<HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV>Alright I'm ba=
ck Again!!!</DIV> <DIV>OK so here's where I'm at, RH 8 on a compaq l=
aptop tried to get my modem working with some drivers I downloaded,=
didn't work. Someone suggested I try wvdialer or minicom. Now being bran=
d new to linux I was a little confused so searched the net to find more i=
nfo. found a bit here and there then started experimenting.</DIV> <DIV>So=
here is where I'm at right now. I'm trying wvdialer. logged in as r=
oot I typed wvdialer. here is the response.</DIV> <DIV>-->Wvdialer: In=
ternet dialer version 1.53</DIV> <DIV>-->Warnig: section [Dialer Defau=
lts] does not seem to exist in wvdialer.conf.</DIV> <DIV>-->Inintializ=
ing modem</DIV> <DIV>>Sending: ATZ</DIV> <DIV>ATZ</DIV> <DIV>OK =
<BR>-->modem initialized</DIV> <DIV>-->Configuration doesn't specif=
y a valid phone number</DIV> <DIV>or login in name or password.</DIV> <DI=
V> </DIV> <DIV>SO OK I'm thinking this means I need to configure wvd=
ialer. Problem is I don't have any clue how to do this.</DIV> <DIV>I trie=
d [root@localhost etc]# wvdialer.conf</DIV> <DIV>which didn't work but I'=
m not surprised because I'm pretty clueless about command lines and I kin=
d of make them up til I find one that works (not as root though, th=
at scares me)</DIV> <DIV>Anyway I realize I have posted a lot of question=
s as of late and I'm amaze at the amount of help I've gotten, but I have =
spent a lot of time on the web trying to figure stuff out before I come h=
ere. </DIV> <DIV>Thanks</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV><BR>"I think there i=
s a world market for maybe five computers."<BR>-- Thomas Watson, chairman=
of IBM, 1943</DIV></BODY></HTML><br clear=3Dall><hr>Get more from the We=
b. FREE MSN Explorer download : <a href=3D''>http=