KLEZ Virus

Kevin Geiss plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Sun, 20 Oct 2002 16:03:14 -0700

ya want to see some good font rendering in mozilla? check out

On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 10:17:23AM -0700, Phil Mattison wrote:
> There are still a few things that prevent me from switching exclusively to
> Linux. One is that the on-screen font rendering is not as good. Maybe there
> are licensing issues that prevent this, but in my opinion the page rendering
> in Nestcape or Mozilla, for example, is ugly, and most other apps are not
> much easier to read. Another is the constant firehose of "updates." Most
> people want to use their OS, not tinker with it. These days an OS is more
> like an appliance than a hobby. Until the open-source community gets that
> through their heads, Linux will never be a serious contender for the
> consumer desktop.