Seeking good, inexpensive DSL ISP
Vaughn Treude
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 20:51:21 -0600
That could be the problem, that the business customers get priority.
Service used to be OK, but lately I've had more difficulty getting through.
Perhaps they've had a layoff, and stretched their support staff too thin. I
figured I'd give them one more chance, and I did get through to them today,
but the haven't resolved the problem yet. Actually, it was two problems -
why did a lose all my PLUG messages a few weeks back, and why did I lose
practically everything else a couple of weeks ago? (As for this post, I
lucked out - I discovered that my old Qwest account is still active!) I'm
at the point where I'm very dependent on email, and if I don't get my
messages, potential clients will think I'm ignoring them.
I spoke to both Junior and Jeremy today, and they said that something
about a spam filter gone crazy - that somebody complained about one of the
companies they hosted, and they'd gotten automatically stuck on the spammer
list, and had been unable to get off it yet, because it would take several
days to get off the list. It seems counterintuitive, though. If Getnet was
blamed for spamming, wouldn't the messages I send be bounced back, rather
than blocking me from receiving? Or do they block all the traffic? It
sounds disgustingly like a denial-of-service attack in disguise. When I was
doing the newsletter for my IEEE consulting group, I recall a few incidents
where my messages hit some kind of spam filter and bounced back. Some of
the ISP's (Primenet was pretty fussy, I recalled) didn't seem to like
messages with many addressees. Others didn't like my
alias, when I was using that.
Oh well. Maybe it's not Getnet's fault. But if they can't address a
problem like this as number one priority, I don't think they're worth
staying with.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: Seeking good, inexpensive DSL ISP
> I surprised you're unhappy with GetNet. I have several sites hosted with
them and I've found them to be the best
> hosting company I've ever been with. I had several problems with one of
my sites and, at my request, they recompiled
> Apache and PHP with some features that I required (and that was on a
shared hosting box!). Whenever I call they fix
> the problem while I'm on the phone with them. If a problem does take too
long to fix while I'm on the phone, it will
> always be finished within an hour or 2. I have absolutley no complaints
with them at all.
> Perhaps, they give their business customers better service than DSL/dialup
customers. At one time, I was with Inficad
> dial up service (which GetNet bought last year) and left because of
horrible service.
> Just my 2 cents.
> Peter
> On 17 Oct 2002 at 13:02, Vaughn Treude wrote:
> > Hello all:
> > A while back there was a thread on DSL ISP's in the Phoenix area. I'm
> > currently with Getnet, which is cheap, but their customer service stinks
> > (actually, it's nonexistant.) I'm also unhappy because Getnet appears
to be
> > filtering PLUG messages (and a couple of newsletters I intentionally
> > subscribed to) from my email. I'm looking for another service in which
> > can get (a) compatibility with Qwest's DSL Deluxe (640kb) service and
(b) at
> > least 3 email addresses and (c) a price in the area of $20 per month
> > maybe a little more.) The services that were mentioned in last month's
> > messages included FastQ and EMR, both of which appear to be considerably
> > higher in price. (And I really don't really care about a static IP.) A
> > third company was Deru, which appears to be in the $20 area. Another
> > service someone recommended was PiplineUSA, which runs around $22. Does
> > anyone have any experience with any of these? Any other
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Vaughn Treude
> > Nakota Software, Inc.
> >
> >
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