Xmms and RH8
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 15:00:46 -0700 (MST)
Am 17. Oct, 2002 schwätzte Scott so:
> Not so easy to do. MP3s, for better or worse, are already entrenched in
> the market. Just look at the number of devices - car radios, portable cd
> players, etc - that have the ability to play MP3s. Ogg may be a "better"
Some of those will be supporting ogg as well. The more we use and demand
ogg the more they will.
> format due to all the IP insanity, but at this time Ogg is to MP3 what
> Beta was to VHS.
Not really. Beta lost because it was held proprietary and the industry
couldn't move to it. ogg is definitely available.
> Switching to/supporting one format over the other is not the answer.
Sure it is.
> Addressing all of this IP BS and patent bs (and their supporting tyrants)
> and coming up with a workable solution is where all efforts should be
> focused.
I agree that should be happening as well, but plans of action that first
require overthrowing the government are most likely doomed to failure. Not
suggesting we should overthrow this or any other government, but that's
almost what we'll have to do if we want it fixed in the next few years.
Our grandchildren will be fighting the patent issues, so we need to
encourage solutions that protect our freedoms today.
Also, the best way to fight the patent nonsense is to actively encourage use
of products that aren't encumbered by stupid patents *and* actively
discourage use of products that are encumbered by stupid patents.
All 3 major OS platforms ( *NIX, mac and m$ ) have common media players that
support ogg. They will all have players that support vorbis.
New standards come along or we'd be using wav rather than ogg or mp3. Heck,
we'd probably have a cheap tape deck hooked up to the audio input... :)
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