MP3 to OGG converter? (Was: Re: Xmms and RH8)
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 15:01:45 -0400
I certainly am surpized at the forceful expression of your opinion here. But
then, Linux users are of the independent type.
I take it you don't like Red Hat? ;^)
Personally, I can understand where Red Hat is coming from on the MP3 issue.
They are a highly visible company with real assets. An owner of a patent has
come forward claiming that they will start enforcing royalties on users of
that patent. Red Hat would be a ripe target, percieved to have deep pockets.
By not including MP3 support in the distro, they have removed the bulls-eye
that the patent enforcers may have already placed on them.
So, setting aside any philosophical "propaganda," what Red Hat did was very
practical from a business standpoint. They removed the snakes fangs before he
could bite.
On 17 Oct 2002 11:35:53 -0700 yarddog <> wrote:
> wow, such propaganda! it would be better to try
> another distro.
> lets all bow to the new ways of rh! make all
> distros follow them instead
> of unix. bah!