Migrate to Evolution from Kmail

Ted Gould plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
17 Oct 2002 08:32:50 -0700

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> Well, I am having SOME success but it looks like I have to import each Km=
> folder one at a time.  YUCK!  I am still looking for a better way before =
> must do it that way!

I don't know how drastic you want to be, but when I switched to
Evolution I changed the way that I read e-mail.  Basically all of my
e-mail goes to my Inbox now.  So when I moved over I just concatenated
all of my mailboxes together (I was coming from Netscape Mail).  Now all
of the separation that I do with my mail is done with virtual folders.=20
I like it alot.  I like having a single e-mail show up in multiple
folders, and being able to change it's properties in one place.  I
probably have about 30 virtual folders now.  Ofcourse YMMV.

		Have fun,

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