Red Hat 8.0 at Frys?

Matt Alexander
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 11:18:29 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Carl Parrish wrote:

> I need to pick up a set for a client does anyone know if Frys has Red
> Hat 8.0 Professional? Also has anyone used 8.0 for servers? I've heard
> great things about the workstations but don't know if the apache 2.0
> that ships with 8.0 need patches. Does it work with php? What about the
> version of mySQL that comes with it? I'll look all this up of course but
> would like to hear if we have any experiance here or if I should stick
> with 7.3

I'm testing a new Linux Terminal Server with RH 8, and so far things seem
to work fine.  I haven't played with Apache 2 yet, however, since last I
checked it was difficult to setup with PHP.