Loading DOS/Windows Programs

Ted Gould plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
15 Oct 2002 22:24:59 -0700

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> How do you run WINE? Does that work with DOS?

If you have it installed you type 'wine' :)  I'm guessing that it is
probably not installed though.  If your new to WINE I'd recommend using
Code Weaver's wine (http://www.codeweavers.com).  You don't need their
pay one, you can use the free one.  It comes with some nice TCL wrappers
to make WINE easier to use and setup.  For the most part then you can
just type 'wine sol.exe' (to run solitare) and it will 'just work.'

For DOS stuff your probably want to use DOS EMU.  This basically runs
DOS on top of Linux so there aren't any real compatibility issues and
stuff like that.  I don't know if this comes with distributions anymore,
I know that it used to.  I don't have a running x86 machine to check
right now...

		Good luck,

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