RH 7.3 Locking Up - Help!

Voltage Spike plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Tue, 15 Oct 2002 12:27:12 -0700

Hash: SHA1

On Monday, October 14, 2002, at 09:03 PM, George Toft wrote:

> I had a similar problem and posted a query for help on another list.
> One arrogant SOB said I had a heat problem - he had seen it before, 
> yada
> yada yada.  At the suggestion of someone else, I lowered the temp in my
> apartment from 80 to 70 for two weeks.  Guess what?  No lockups.  I
> installed another case fan, put a fan on my el-cheapo video card,
> installed a super-duper CPU cooler and raised the apartment temp to a
> humane level.  No lockups.  I had a cooling problem.  I ate crow.
> Check it out.  Back off the clock speed on cpu (and bus!) 5%-10% and 
> see
> what happens.  Put a fan on your video card.

I have also experienced (experiencing?) the same problem.  If you are a 
lazy SOB (like myself), removing the cover from the computer seems to 
work well.  I don't appear to collect any more dust than I did with the 
fans, but the ambient noise has slightly increased.

Note that you adjust the clock speed in the BIOS (usually accessed by 
hitting DEL on startup).  Many newer motherboards (you know, the ones 
that overheat) have a feature, perhaps called "Hardware Monitor", that 
allows you to check the temperature of various subsystems.

Note that you mentioned Windows 98 does not have problems.  This kind 
of puts a kink in the "heat theory", but I know that my problems rarely 
occurred in Windows 98, were somewhat more frequent in Linux, and 
almost constant in Windows 2000.

Good luck.

- -- 
                                                            Voltage Spike
      (. .)
- --ooO-(_)-Ooo--

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