Weather Alert program.
Sat, 12 Oct 2002 16:26:48 +0000 (GMT)
I used to use a Windows program called InterWarn which would
download new weather alerts for Arizona from the National Weather Service,
sound an alert and then e-mail the new alert. (It really does a bit more,
but that's what I'm mostly interested in.) It could search for new alerts
as little as every 1 minute to as much as every 60 minutes.
My problem is that it won't run in RedHat 7.3 with winelauncher.
Something about not being able to access a visual basic DLL.
The program and DLL file are on my Windows 98 SE partition.
Is there a way I can get this program to run in RedHat or is there
a Linux program (preferably an rpm file) that will do what I need?
I have looked through SourceForge and a few other sites with no luck.
If I can't get InterWarn to work or find an acceptable substitute,
I'll have to discontinue my Az Weather Alerts List which I don't want to
Thanks in advance.
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Heisenberg did indeed sleep here, but we have no idea how fast asleep he was.
Beware of what you speak, for indeed the words we speak make shadows
of what is to come, and by speaking them we bring them to pass.
-- Taliesin, The Merlin of Britain