Broadband in Scottsdale?
Tom Achtenberg
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 21:13:17 -0700
I had it until January and will be getting it back probably late next month.
It is great! While they do not officially give static IP's, the IP is tied
to your NIC's machine address. As long as you do not change NIC's the IP
will stay constant. Last year when I went in the hospital for a month, my
son shut down the system. When I turned it back up, I still had the same
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Ted
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 8:23 AM
To: PLUG Discuss List
Subject: RE: Broadband in Scottsdale?
> ADSL is in limited areas and you can get a block of static IPs (my old
> apartment), however there has been a push by the telco to offer VDSL,
> they do not give out static IPs (my new house in Scottsdale).
The cool part about VDSL is that you don't have the 'A' in the front, so
you get synchronous bandwidth. This makes uploading go _alot_ faster.
Does anyone else have VDSL? Does your modem seem to crash every four
weeks or so? All it requires is a unplug/plug back in, but it sure is
annoying. I no one else is having that issue, I'll have to call Qwest
and ask for a new one.
BTW - For those who are interested in things being open, VDSL is a
proprietary protocol developed by basically one vendor. They are
thinking about getting it standardized, but we'll see.
Have fun,
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