Debian and RAID
John Kloian III
Tue, 8 Oct 2002 22:23:49 -0700 (MST)
answers below:
On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Miles Beck wrote:
>> 3 #cat /proc/partitions
>> 4 see if you can see the partition that your new raid device is on
>> (check sizes etc)
>I do not have the boot cd but by moving the master drive back to the
>non-raid controller I was able to see the partitions file. Below is what you
>asked for. At this point I have no idea what to do, ;)
> 114 0 117220792 ataraid/d0
> 114 1 248976 ataraid/d0p1
> 114 2 996030 ataraid/d0p2
> 114 3 2000092 ataraid/d0p3
> 114 4 1 ataraid/d0p4
> 114 5 248976 ataraid/d0p5
> 114 6 2000061 ataraid/d0p6
> 114 7 248976 ataraid/d0p7
> 114 8 248976 ataraid/d0p8
> 114 9 111225996 ataraid/d0p9
since you are using a new controller it is correct that the devices that
you were mounting for your various partions have moved. Do you notice
below that /dev/hda has nine partition (i.e. hda1, hda2....hda9)? Also
notice that there is a device called /dev/ataraid/d0 with nine partitions
(i.e. d0p1, d0p2....d0p9) this is your raid device. You need to edit your
lilo.conf and fstab to point to the /dev/ataraid/d0px partions instead of
/dev/hdax partions. For instance if in your fstab has something like the
following to mount your root or / partition:
/dev/hda2 /
you would change it to read:
/dev/ataraid/d0p2 /
and so on.
also in your /etc/lilo.conf
you would want to change the boot= and root= lines to point to the new
for instance if your lilo.conf read this:
you would want to change it to read:
and then you would re-run lilo.
You should be careful about which device your bios is using to boot from
and in which order, this may end up being a bit tricky for a newcomer to
linux since you already have a system that is set-up to point to /dev/hda
for everything (don't get me wrong, it's not impossible or even that hard,
its just that there are certain things that need to be done in order for
it to work right). There are some gotchas with lilo and your BIOS lurking
out there. Since it is really hard to explain all scenarios via email
another option could be for you to put both your drives on the raid
controller and do a fresh install on the raid device, however, this can
also contain some problems if your installation kernel is not capable of
recognizing the raid device (A good way to tell would be to boot with the
install boot cd and then look at the output from dmesg to see if it found
the raid device).
Maybe someone out there can expand on what I've said to make this make
more sense if it seems unclear or hard to follow.
> 33 0 117220824 hde
> 33 1 248976 hde1
> 33 2 996030 hde2
> 33 3 2000092 hde3
> 33 4 1 hde4
> 33 5 248976 hde5
> 33 6 2000061 hde6
> 33 7 248976 hde7
> 33 8 248976 hde8
> 33 9 111225996 hde9
> 3 0 117220824 hda
> 3 1 248976 hda1
> 3 2 996030 hda2
> 3 3 2000092 hda3
> 3 4 1 hda4
> 3 5 248976 hda5
> 3 6 2000061 hda6
> 3 7 248976 hda7
> 3 8 248976 hda8
> 3 9 111225996 hda9
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