ntp was Re: System clock.
Jon K
Tue, 8 Oct 2002 22:22:28 -0700
Hash: SHA1
Take a look at these links, there are alot of servers there to sync with.
On Tuesday 08 October 2002 22:00, Kevin Brown wrote:
> I'm having a small issue with a server of mine. I can't get it to sync to
> any time server to help keep it correct. Tried the command below, what I
> see is:
> 8 Oct 21:58:27 ntpdate : no server suitable for synchronization found
> I can manually adjust it with date and then sync the system to the hardware
> clock, but it very rapidly drifts (e.g. set it now, by tommorrow night it
> will be 2 or 3 minutes fast and slowly increasing more). Since I can sync
> my Windows machines by using Worldtime, I spent a little time trying to
> find an NTP server daemon for Windows that the linux machines could sync
> to. Didn't find anything that would work (guess I need to improve my
> searching skills).
> I wonder if being behind a NAT router could be affecting what ntpdate is
> trying to find.
> > If you are on the net and have ntpdate installed, you can do a :
> >
> > # ntpdate timex.cs.columbia.edu
> >
> > and that will get you set against a time server.
> >
> > Afterwards, do a :
> >
> > hwclock --systohc
> >
> > And that will set the cmos clock on the motherboard so that it now has
> > the correct time also.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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