New convert and kit idea

Craig White
07 Oct 2002 09:22:20 -0700

On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 08:38, der.hans wrote:
> Am 06. Oct, 2002 schwätzte Craig White so:

> > HOWEVER - given the price of hard drives these days - and the fact that
> > most boxes have an empty space for another hard drive, it's probably
> > best to encourage people to add another hard drive for linux - and
> > perhaps save some space for a FAT32 volume to pass data from Windows to
> > linux.
> What's the cost for partition magic?
I think that it's $60 retail
> Maybe we just start requiring that people have a disk for GNU/Linux due to
> m$' proprietary problems?
> Maybe we research an extremely reliable way to backup and restore m$,
> changing the part table in between.
heck - even MSBackup can't do that.

