New convert and kit idea
Craig White
06 Oct 2002 23:55:38 -0700
On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 21:58, der.hans wrote:
> Am 06. Oct, 2002 schwätzte Dan so:
> > NTFS, by default, does not want you to restore to a FAT based disk. This
> > would lose the security benefits of NTFS. If anybody knows a way to restore
> > a backup of an NTFS partitioned file to a non-NTFS partitioned file, this
> > would create a security breach in NTFS
> I wasn't saying that. I merely meant we could back it up, repartition, then
> restore it. We can try anyway. If m$ wants NTFS, then that's what people
> need. Ideally we need tools that can work with it.
This thread started out as having the tools necessary to create
dual-boots for at IF2 or just friends, etc.
While the idea is good, inevitably, no good deed goes unpunished.
NTFS is definitely the better way for winnt/win2k/winxp but of course
the NTFS 4/5 internals are secreted. NTFS support in linux is marginal
at the very best and can lead to corrupted partitions, even if accessed
in R/O mode.
The real answer is to rely on a commercial product like Partition Magic
if you really really have to shrink NTFS partitions because at least if
things get foobar, you can shrug and say, hey - it wasn't linux that
screwed things up.
HOWEVER - given the price of hard drives these days - and the fact that
most boxes have an empty space for another hard drive, it's probably
best to encourage people to add another hard drive for linux - and
perhaps save some space for a FAT32 volume to pass data from Windows to