New convert and kit idea

Sun, 6 Oct 2002 15:02:50 -0700 (MST)

Am 04. Oct, 2002 schwätzte Michelle Lowman so:

> Hmmm, that could be a problem. I know 2000 gives you a choice of FAT or
> NTFS at installation, but my student's is NTFS. And as far as I know you
> can convert FAT to NTFS, but not NTFS to FAT.  Anyone want to modify
> fips? :^)

As Travis pointed out to me parted also doesn't handle NTFS. We need a Free
Software solution for that.

Maybe a backup utility that would allow us to restore everything on a new
partition layout?

We need to suggest backups more prominently in our promo materials anyway.


#  "Life is pain, Highness! Anyone who says differently is selling something."
#   -- Dread Pirate Roberts in The Princess Bride