Converting a MS company to Linux
Eric Katherman
02 Oct 2002 12:15:58 -0700
I agree 100% with Mark. Having the "roadmap" that you used would be a
very valuable resource for the rest of the group. I am sure there are
many other companies that would consider a switch of this sort but don't
want to be the first one out of the gate. Actual documentation from an
actual company (still in existance) could be a good push for some.
On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 11:59, Mark Phillips wrote:
> In my opinion, I think the discussion on this topic would be extremely
> interesting. In fact, it would be a great archive of knowledge for
> everyone. Please keep it on the list, or if really necessary, start a new
> list so we can all follow your progress and learn from your mistakes.
> My hope would be that you would keep us informed of what you are doing and
> learning as well as the questions you raise. If these "learnings" were
> archived, it would become a useful road map for encouraging others to
> venture beyond the World of Bill.
> My 2 cents.
> Mark Phillips
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Henderson []
> Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 10:15 AM
> To:
> Subject: Converting a MS company to Linux
> As some of you know, I'm the senior administrator at a company
> that runs MS on all of its servers and clients (well, we also
> have an AS400 system, but I'm not involved with that). We use
> Exchange for mail, Terminal Server, Windows file sharing, etc. A
> standard MS house. I've managed to spark interest in Open Source
> solutions among a previously die-hard MS-focused group of admins
> (and the shirts and ties above) by setting up a Red Hat server
> with spam-filtering software. Suddenly I'm in the rather
> exciting position of being given [almost] free reign to research
> other Open Source solutions, including things like Communigate
> Pro as an Exchange replacement (groupware version in beta), LTSP
> as a Terminal Server replacement, and various Linux distros for
> desktop use (Mandrake with ICE is in the lead :). I've not been
> given a budget to bring in consultants, but I can work on it on
> my own. There's a world of opportunity here, but the scope of
> this is a bit beyond my year and a half of experience with Linux.
> I need to quickly get a decent grasp of the possibilites for
> moving us away from a MS-based, Active Directory network. Is
> someone with Linux sys admin experience, especially migrating
> from MS systems, willing to spend a little time with me on the
> phone or exchanging emails to discuss this? I think it's too
> much for this mailing list, but I don't require hours and hours
> of time, either. I'm not looking for someone to hand everything
> to me on a silver platter. I can figure out much on my own, but
> would appreciate some one to fire off questions against on best
> practices, etc.
> And/Or... suggestions for mailing lists or other resources?
> Thanks,
> Scott
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