GPL Infectiousness

Robert Bushman
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 05:52:51 -0700 (MST)

On 30 Sep 2002, Derek Neighbors wrote:

> It is so powerful that AOL/Time Warner has dual licensed Mozilla and Sun
> Microsystems has dual licensed Star Office.  They found out the
> difficult way that free isnt free enough if you arent GPL compatiable.
> I think that the GPL en masse was very much an advantage in being able
> to sway these large corporations to rethink their licensing.

Exactly! It is infectious (in a good way).

All I'm saying is that we should not dance around
the topic - it makes us look like we are ashamed.
The GPL *is* intended to change the world, and
it *has* done so.

"We're on the threshold of a whole new system. The time where
accountants decide what music people hear is coming to an
end. Accountants may be good at numbers, but they have terrible taste
in music. I don't know how I'm going to get paid, but I'd rather go
out into the brave new world than live with dinosaurs that are far too
big for their boots." - Keith Richards - Rolling Stones Guitarist