
Bryce C
28 Nov 2002 15:16:58 -0700

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I knew it was correct too but I liked the alternate meaning better.

On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 15:11, Derek Neighbors wrote:
> Edify (trans. verb)
> 1. archaic (a) build (b) establish.
> 2. to instruct to improve especially in moral and religious knowledge.
> Edification would be the 'act of Edifying'.  Edifying would be usage of
> the verb above (edify).
> I believe that this was proper use of the word edification both in
> context and syntax.  Surely I am not an English Scholar though.
> On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 14:18, Bryce C wrote:
> > Why do you want to become a building?
> > <<edification>> The act of becoming an edifice.
> >=20
> > On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 14:18, Michael Havens wrote:
> > > Voltage Spike,
> > >=20
> > > I was wondering what you thought about that distro (in header). From =
what I've=20
> > > heard the hardware detection on it is excellent. If you think that is=
 a good=20
> > > idea I will get another cdrom to be a dedicated cdrom drive. If you d=
o not=20
> > > think it is a good idea please give me the reasons (not that I doubt =
> > > buddy, it is for my own edification).
> > --=20
> > Bryce C <Plug@BryceCo.Net>
> > CoBryce Communications
Bryce C <Plug@BryceCo.Net>
CoBryce Communications

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