e-mail on linux box
Craig White
28 Nov 2002 10:32:27 -0700
On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 10:36, Michael Havens wrote:
> You know Cliff,
> That happened to mealso whe I first installed Linux, and it still does. Some
> messages would go and some won't. I found that if you just wait they will go
> eventually. If you are like me and are impatient get the message up on your
> screen and cclick the send message button again. It might not work right away
> but they will go. Or are you talking about something else?
> --
There are a other issues that I didn't bother going into - if you try to
use the linux box for mail relay - the rest of the world may not like it
since it's becoming impossible to send mail from a mail host that
doesn't resolve properly with dns. That's why it's necessary to read
each 'rejected' email carefully so you can see 'why' it was ejected.