e-mail on linux box
Craig White
28 Nov 2002 10:25:47 -0700
On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 11:16, cliff rogers wrote:
> I have a Linux box that is my gateway to the internet.
> It seems to be working wonderful and my LAN is usable. My question
is: Since I have gotten my box up and running I have been receiving a
bunch of refused e-mail messages. Some are refused because of an
improper destination address or no such address while others are refused
by the destination computer because they have an executable file
attached. I am wondering if somehow I have been infected in my Linux box
and that it is using my e-mail account to send these out. I have run a
couple of virus checks from Symantec, I have ZoneAlarm installed on my
windows box, I have removed a virus called the "W32.Bugbear@mm" from my
windows box. My Linux box is running ClarkConnect based on the Redhat
7.2 distro (or 7.3). I am wondering if I have the mailserver running on
it and if that is where all these are being sent from or if there is a
log that can help me track this down and stop it before it gets worse. I
am getting almost 2 returned e-mail messages for every legitimate
message I receive. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I am very
much a newbie here. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. Cliff Rogers
bugbear sends a ton of email out from a windows box
why bother running zone alarm on the windows box if it is behind
firewall? Better you should run anti-virus software on windows box -
that would actually help.
Each email that comes back will tell you how/why/when it was
sent/rejected and they can be traced.
on the RH linux box.../var/log/maillog will tell you about every mail
To track it down - get rid of the damned virii on the Windows machine.