Stretching audio files

Rick Rosinski
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 18:18:55 -0700

Today on NPR, I heard about a person in Norway who streched out Beethoven's 
9th symphony into 24 hours.   It didn't sould the same as if you simply 
slowed down the speed of the music - it playd at normal speed, but each 
second was streched out.  It sounded like some cool new age music.  Check it 
out at  
What is the best linux program out there that can do this?

You say you are lying.  But if everything you say is a lie, then you
are telling the truth.  You cannot tell the truth because everything
you say is a lie.  You lie, you tell the truth ... but you cannot, for
you lie.
		-- Norman the android, "I, Mudd", stardate 4513.3