Tech Executives - November TecOA Meeting
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 00:15:51 -0700 (MST)
* Mark your calendars! The November Technology Officers' Association
* (TecOA) meeting is tomorrow. Please join us for this month's topic:
* TOPIC: Criteria for my company considering open source software.
* Prove to me why I should use it.
* NOTE: New location and time for this month's meeting - around the
* corner from ASU. See for meeting details. This
* month's meeting is being held at noon due to Thanksgiving the following
* day. Now you have an excuse to leave work early on the 27th. :)
TecOA ( is a free group open to technology leaders
(CTO, CIO, VP, etc...) from all industries. The group's goal is to provide
a forum for technology leaders to get together and discuss important or
interesting issues facing the unique role of a technology executive in
TecOA meetings are specifically designed to provide professional and
personal value to attendees. To assist in this task, each meeting not only
has a topic, but also a deliverable. This way, members will actually leave
every meeting with both the knowledge and information provided, and also a
tangible and useful result.
For more information about TecOA, or to subscribe to our email discussion
or announcement lists, visit the TecOA web site:
Meetings are always held on the last Wednesday of every month at 4:00 PM.
Except November 2002 - the meeting is being held at noon due to
Thanksgiving the following day.
November Meeting Information
TecOA -
November 27, 2002 - 12:00 PM
NOTE: New location - around the corner from ASU
The Muse Cafe
1032 South Terrace Road
>From Rural (Scottsdale Road) and University, go south on Rural 1/2 mile,
turn left (east) on Terrace.
Criteria for my company considering open source. Prove to me why I should
use it.
List of criteria necessary to properly evaluate both the technical and
business values of using open source software.
== Jay Jacobson
== Edgeos, Inc. - Security is Critical -
== We help you to easily get control of your network's security.
== ...or some hacker can just take control instead. You decide.