Weird Incident
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 17:35:08 -0700
I've seen this.
its a bug in how ftp writes the files remotely (using the perms on the system
you are originating from). Its best just to upload the files, then make sure
the perms are correct. sounds like a lot of work, but in the end, it saves
loads of time.
On Monday 25 November 2002 05:20 pm, you wrote:
> I'm wondering if anyone has ever seen something like this before:
> I made some changes to a website that uses PHP, and uploaded
> the modified files using FTP. Suddenly, the website was no
> longer accessible from the remote browser, getting a "permission
> denied" error. It turns out a bunch of files and directories in
> the document root path had the necessary execute permission bits
> turned off. Once I restored the permissions everything worked fine
> again. I can't figure out if it was a bug in FTP or some hacker.
> It seems to me if a hacker got that level of access to my server
> he would have done a lot more damage than that. The logs don't
> seem to show anything other than the usual SSL and ASP
> exploit attempts. Weird. And scarry.
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