Upgrading to Red Hat 8 or some other distro

Derek Neighbors plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
23 Nov 2002 20:23:20 -0700

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> In general, it seems that people think that RPM was the first serious
> package format for Linux and it did a pretty good job.  The Debian
> format came along and took it one step further.  The only real argument
> here is whether the delta is enough to change.  Basically the Redhat
> folks are saying that there isn't enough difference to justify the
> change.  As an interesting piece of trivia: apparently RPM runs
> significantly faster :)
> So when it comes down to it, the Debian format is probably slightly
> better, but people really like apt :)

When it comes to packaging for me its not really a matter of which is
technically superior.  I think what really draws me to debian is the
'quality' of the packages.  There seems to be a lot more consistency
getting everything from one place.

What I found was most little side applications I was installing for Red
Hat the rpm's were made by independent developers who may or may not
have any clue of how to make an RPM. =20

Debian in its nature of having package maintainers seems to provide a
more 'cohesive' set of packages.  Also, for things like apache, postgres
or things with 'layered plugins and such' it seems Debian does well at
'stacking' these.

That said I dont think the rpm format is bad.  In fact, it is quite good
at somethings.  I think if you are looking for a corporate type desktop
where you wont be installing much that didnt come with the distribution,
its very cohesive.  If you are like most home users that like to install
software of all types (read not in the distribution) it becomes harder
to maintain.

That said, its all good. ;)
Derek Neighbors
GNU Enterprise

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