How do you setup a raid 5 server?
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 23:20:01 -0700 (MST)
Am 21. Nov, 2002 schw=E4tzte tickticker so:
> I've never had to do an install on a raid set before.
Once you have it built and the driver loaded it's just a hard drive.
> I wanna put mandrake on it ( it's my flavor of choice), and just haven't =
> foggiest notion of how to go about installing this. Knoppix saw the ide =
> not the raid set. started a mandrake install, and it has a heart attack =
> it's loading and says something about destroying the data on a hard drive=
> this is after i see the ide drive detect and load so i'm just assuming it=
> the raid set that's making throw this hairy fit.
> question: what are the down and dirty steps to starting this setup, or d=
o you
> know a great reference somewhere to help me do this?
> I would really like to keep the raid card (adaptec 2100) and the drives i=
> raid 5 configuration. I will be sure to post my notes or a how to: when =
I am
> successful.
Duriing bios boot it should ask you to do a <ctrl>-v or <ctrl>-a to get int=
the card firmware setup.
Setup the raid there.
Boot the mandrake install. The drive might be under something weird like
/dev/ida/, but it's probably /dev/sda.
If you can't see it, go to the load modules portion of the install and
install the module for the raid card.
If that doesn't work, use debian and I can be equally non-helpful :).
# You can't handle the source! - der.hans