Upgrading to Red Hat 8 or some other distro
Bill Nash
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 14:39:16 +0000 (UTC)
On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, George Toft wrote:
> > Basicially, apt will download and take care of the dependencies for you,
> > as long as you use the apt system (apt-get, apt-cache, dpkg, etc.). I
> > recently converted my webserver from an LFS install to Debian and am much
> > happier -- especially since compiling packages on a Pentium 75 isn't very
> > much fun. =op
> >
> So what you're telling me is that I apt-get xfree86, for example, and it
> updates all dependent packages as well? Guess I better have a pretty
> big pipe, eh?
It's never the size of the pipe, but how you use it. =) (Overnight
download, configure in the morning.)
- billn