Wed, 20 Nov 2002 22:10:58 -0700 (MST)
Am 20. Nov, 2002 schw=E4tzte Brian Tafoya so:
> I am in the same boat... :)
OK, we have them at the meetings as well as Stammtisch.
If you can't make those I'll setup a passwd and you can grab them off the
web site... :)
Seriously, first think about whether or not you see someone else from PLUG
on a regular basis. We can use a proxy for delivery.
I'm certain I can talk Thurman into helping if you're at SCC. I'm in north
Sccts, Tempe ( especially Bandersnatch ), and Mesa all the time.
With the upcoming holiday many of us'll be all over town.
I'll probably be in Tucson this weekend and will be making connections to
Flagstaff, so if there are outstanding orders from those parts of the state
( or if someone wants to purchase a t-shirt ) I can probably make
Write me or Jim to arrange delivery.
# https://www.LuftHans.com/ http://www.TOLISGroup.com/
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