Scanning under StarOffice with Mandrake 8.2

Carl Parrish
18 Nov 2002 08:43:20 -0700

What fax software are you using on Linux?

Carl P. 

On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 07:11, Lee Einer wrote:
> Hi, Dennis-
> I want to be able to use StarOffice to set up a fax coversheet, then 
> scan into the document and fax it. StarOffice should be able to do this, 
> but it doesn't detect my scanner, even though XSANE and Kooka detect it 
> with no problems.
> Lee Einer
> Dennis Kibbe wrote:
> >On Monday 18 November 2002 01:42 am, you wrote:
> >
> >>Hi, All-
> >>
> >>I am trying to scan under StarOffice 6.0 and am having buzzard luck. The
> >>"scan" option in StarOffice Draw returns the error "no SANE source is
> >>available at the moment." I have no problems scanning with XSANE or
> >>Kooka. What's the deal? How can I get StarOffice 6.0 to recognize the
> >>SANE driver?
> >>
> >>Lee Einer
> >>
> >
> >Can you scan the item into GIMP then place it in SO Draw? I've never seen the 
> >advantage of scanning directly into an office suite since there is always 
> >something that you want to do to the image - crop, resize, etc.
> >
> >Dennis Kibbe
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