
Michael Havens
Sat, 16 Nov 2002 23:53:14 -0700

I downloaded it opened it and couldn't figure out how to open it. What is the 
program name which I opens it using alt F2?

On Saturday 16 November 2002 10:19 pm, Ted Gould wrote:
> On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 22:16, Michael Havens wrote:
> > I load jpilot and it has a dependency. I load the dependency which has a
> > dependency! I then load the dependency of the dependency and it has one
> > also. I load the dependency of the dependency which is of the dependency
> > and I has a bug!
> > I give up!
> > Who wants to download their working copy to me?
> I think you've hit the nail on the head, if someone gave you their copy
> it wouldn't work because of the dependencies :)  Trust me, while this
> might seem like a problem, Linux before package management sucked,
> because for the most part you didn't know that you needed that
> dependency (especially for different versions of libraries).  These are
> also the issues that distributions address, it is a pain in the ass to
> come up with all of the libraries to make everything be happy together -
> something I'm willing to pay $40 for :)
> I'd recommend downloading RedCarpet from Ximian (  It
> does a really nice job if downloading all of the files you need to
> satisfy a dependency chain.  It will work with most distributions and
> download files from that distribution.  It might suck for dial-up
> though.
> 		Good luck,
> 			Ted