SCC presentation
Sat, 16 Nov 2002 10:44:16 -0700 (MST)
Am 14. Nov, 2002 schw=E4tzte G.D.Thurman so:
> Three people indicated an interest in helping.
> Matt Alexander <>
> Ted Gould <>
> William Lindley <>
At Thursday's meeting Ted said he'd organize the project ( he's already mad=
some preliminary work available for us ). Thanks Ted!
I was thinking about the presentations this morning and it was really cool
that UoP gave out copies of Knoppix to all the students in the class last
week when I gave a presentation there.
I think we should highly encourage that if we don't out and out require it.
It would be good if the schools would make Knoppix and GNUWin II CDs for al=
of the students and instructors in the class.
I would also like the CDs to get labels such as what Dennis has been doing.
That looks really cool and gives a much better impression.
Does Knoppix have whatever software they would need to use a CD labeling ki=
that is widely available here?
Is Xcdroast ( or whatever's on Knoppix ) a good, solid, functional program?
We should provide initial ISOs for the CDs as well as pointers at the sites=
We could also start making our own versions, to some extent. Easy things ar=
adding PLUG logo and URL to desktop background and CD cover. We could also
add a README.PLUG to both CDs. The one on Knoppix can be linked from the
initial page or could replace it.
For GNUWinII we could endeavor to add more recent releases of certain
packages and list packages we suggest.
For both we could include copies of our presentations. That probably limits
us to Open Office as that's what's available for both platforms.
Thurman, I will endeavor to bring you recent releases of Knoppix and
GNUWinII ( 31Okt and 16Okt respectively ) sometime next week.
> Presentation dates:
> Monday PM, 02 December 2002
> Friday AM, 06 December 2002
> Note: The Monday date collides with the
> December PLUG-developers meeting.
> Times have yet to be decided, but I will get that
> information soon.
> A couple of weeks ago this class had Ken Colburn
> ( as a guess presenter and he did
> an excellent job. His primary advice: Learn about
> the nuts and bolts of computing, but also learn how
> to communicate effectively. Colburn's presentation
> was video taped by SCC and I suspect the Instructor
> will want to do the same for the Linux presentation.
> If presenters do not want to be video taped, then
> we can turn the camera off.
> The following potential presentation format assumes
> one hour (60 minutes) of presentation time.
> 15 minutes
> -- Brief overview of what is Unix.
> -- Brief history of Unix/BSD/Linux.
> -- Brief overview of what is Linux/GNU/FSF/Open Source.
> 25 minutes
> -- Linux demonstration using Knoppix that
> includes a command-line demonstration.
Another thing is we need whoever we're doing the presentation for to make
sure Knoppix works on the computer and projector we'll be using for the
That includes working from X or from the console. We might want to suggest
booting in normal console mode rather than frame buffer at high resolution
as projectors can't handle that. Ran into that Thu night :(.
That's something we could hardwire into our ISO image.
# It's up to the reader to make the book interesting.
# An author has only the opportunity to make it uninteresting. - der.hans