More Backup Questions
Tony Wasson
Fri, 15 Nov 2002 12:55:11 -0800
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On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 09:38:56AM -0700, Gordon Chamberlin wrote:
> I have to backup windows workstations. There are about five of them.
> I'm going to backup "My Documents" and Outlook email. =20
I'd recommend samba and putting My Documents on the server.=20
For email - use IMAP if at all possible. The lets 'em keep Sent Items, Draf=
and saved messages on the server. Most ISPs flick this on webmail and then
don't tell anyone. If it's an ISP, you can use mailsync to backup their=20
IMAP store.
If you still need to copy stuff from the client, you can use 'pscp' availab=
from the putty homepage. (Google keywords: putty download). I'd do this in
conjuction with a logon script that grabs .INI files and a few other *small=
This guy does rsync + ssh on a Win32 machine. It looks easy.
I don't think tape is totally dead, since I find it easier to schlep tapes
rather than hard drives. And offsite backup is great, but it doesn't give me
a complete 'warm + fuzzy' feeling. I recall doing some disaster recovery=
planning for a 1TB Win2K file server. With the slower DLT RAID setup we had
it would take ~3 days to recover the data. Getting an online backup was an
easy sell after that information came to light...
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