crypt() question

Mike Starke
Thu, 14 Nov 2002 20:00:16 -0500

Forget it.... I figured the problem out.

On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 07:46:32PM -0500, Mike Starke wrote:
/_I am trying to get the same output crypt() does one
/_one machine to another. I have grep'd thru a perl script
/_on the server for "crypt" and have found out that the password
/_it generates is done by crypt($INPUT{'pwd'}, aa). I need to add
/_additional entries in the password file  (offline) with something like
/_print "Please enter string to crypt: ";
/_my $string = <STDIN>;
/_chomp $string;
/_my $p = crypt($string, "aa");
/_Yet I get a differant value from the same string
/_on the server. Could someone clue me in on how
/_this works?
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