Perl file test
David A. Sinck
Thu, 14 Nov 2002 08:20:45 -0700
\_ SMTP quoth Mike Starke on 11/14/2002 10:00 as having spake thusly:
\_ /_
\_ /_FWIW, my docs say "-T File is an ASCII text file", so presumably a
\_ /_control character (^M?) or something slipped in when you weren't
\_ /_looking.
\_ /_
\_ /_David
\_ I think I discovered my problem: I was trying to do a test like:
\_ if (! (-e -T $file1 && -e -T $file2)) {
\_ blah die
\_ }
\_ I can not run two tests on the same file. I thought I have done
\_ or seen this before in a Bash script, I thought the same would
\_ apply to Perl. Is this possible in Bash, or am I imagining things again?
if (-e $file1 && -T $file1 ... )
The file test flags aren't 'groupable'.