CVS question...

Liberty Young
08 Nov 2002 17:04:21 -0700

I hope this can be done...

I need to _enforce_ dos end of line characters into files that are
checked into a CVS tree. 

Background (long version):

Here at work, we do both dos and linux work, and i'm trying to put all
of our code, dos and linux, into a CVS repository. Problem is, that
unless the End of Lines are terminated per dos standards, my co-workers
Windows tools barf (win-cvs, along with some editor he uses). 
The biggest problem is that when he 'fixes' the problem created by me
doing dos work from within linux, and he checks those files into CVS
from his windows machine, CVS reports all lines as being diffed. They
are, technically, they have different eol's. 

Now, i have a script that can do linux eol's into dos eol's, so that's
no problem. 

The problem is that i'm not sure how to setup CVS so that when a file
checked in (either before or after), it is ran through that script to
convert any non-dos eol's into dos eol's. 

Anybody here have any ideas?