New Open Source Project

Phil Mattison
Fri, 8 Nov 2002 13:06:26 -0700

Hmm... sounds like you think I can't code. Not sure what I said to give you
that idea, but the fact is Finderz.NET is up and running and I did it all
myself (with a little help from a few contractors on eLance - for the boring
parts.) Maybe I'll just do it myself. Less debate that way. I just figured
having a "team" would add credibility. But there are lots of ways to skin
that cat.
--Phil M.
PS- I did look @; all the related projects I saw there were
either vapor-ware or trivial.

>Most Open source projects are started by the person who has a need, when
>you've developed the app and have some source code, folks may join in.
>Rarely does a project get started in this fashion. Folks that can't code
>and need something normally pay a developer to get the job started.

>Not saying it can't happen but don't be disappointed if it does not.

