Question for all you mutt users

Tue, 5 Nov 2002 18:06:38 -0700

On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 05:23:32PM -0700, BoBB wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 04:50:57PM -0700, Tony Wasson wrote:
> > Have you tried  'reset all' in an otherwise blank .muttrc file? This
> > occasionally verifies to me that I didn't set anything weird. I am out of
> > ideas otherwise, hopefully some mutt guru will show us the light....
> I just tried that and it didn't work =/ all i set was folder after
> restting all. I can change he status of an email and it will stay, ex. i
> mark an email as new, i quit, come back, its marked old. The only
> problem i seem to have is that its not setting as new when it gets
> filtered into the folders. If it matters the folders arent kept as
> actually directory's they are files with the email in them.

Okay this is weird ... i just got a spam mail from gamespy and it was
tagged as new. but when i get other mail(from a list or from myself) its
not tagged as new. WTF! this is VERY annoying.
