Accessing Outlook from RedHat

Kurt Granroth
Tue, 5 Nov 2002 17:18:33 -0700

FWIW, I was investigating accessing email and calendaring from Exchange in 
Linux just a few weeks ago.  Your choices depend almost completely on how 
flexible the Exchange admin is.

If Exchange is configured with just the default proprietary setup, then your 
only real option is to get CodeWeaver's Office and run Outlook.  The cost 
would then be however much CW Office is ($60ish) plus Outlook unless you 
already have a license for that.  You would probably also have to get your 
admin to give you the Outlook CD to install it in CW.

If your Exchange admin is a *little* flexible, then you might have the 
Outlook Web Access (OWA) enabled.  This uses WebDAV.  Ximian Evolution has 
a proprietary extension called "Connector" which uses OWA to access *most* 
of Exchange's functionality.  Connector costs about $60, as well.  One 
caveat: Connector only works with Exchange 2000.  5.5 will *not* work.

If your Exchange admin is very flexible, then he can open up any number of 
IMAP, POP3, LDAP, etc ports on Exchange and then you can use pretty much 
any popular Linux tool to access your stuff.

Good luck finding that last option in the real world.  Most shops that use 
Exchange are quite large and multi-location.  Even *finding* the right 
Exchange admin can be a chore.  Convincing them to open up any ports is 
usually next to impossible.
Kurt Granroth - "KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop"
KDE Developer/Evangelist |  |