Apple Airport and Orinoco AP
Craig White
02 Nov 2002 00:26:15 -0700
On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 23:55, Kevin Brown wrote:
> I don't have control or access to the AP, but I watched the Admin of the AP put
> the MAC address into the AP. I tried using the $, but right after doing so
> realized it wouldn't work because the passphrase contains alphanumeric digits
> outside those allowed by Hex (0-9, abcdef). Sure enough, finish typing it in,
> hit enter and immediately get told it can't join the specified network. Sigh,
> linux was a lot easier to learn than this, heheh.
Well, on the Linksys wireless base stations (I think BEFS41 or something
like that), it allows you to enter a text string which it hashes to a 26
byte (for 128 bit WEP) hex and shows you the result on screen. I have to
believe that is what all of them would do with a text string which means
that it probably isn't too reliable to use a text string among differing