InstallFest / Distribution Advice
bob smith
Thu, 30 May 2002 23:17:24 -0700 (PDT)
--- Matt Wyant <> wrote:
> I've always been attracted to GNU/Linux because of
> it's configuration
> and manipulation options. I've played with the
> Mandrake distribution,
> but it wasn't any fun because I didn't have to do
> anything. I need a
> distribution that will force me to learn all the
> dirty details. From
> what I've gathered online, Slackware is just that. A
> powerful,
> configurable, advanced distribution. I have two
> questions:
> A) Am I jumping in over my head? I'm very proficient
> with computers,
> I've been programming since before junior high with
> various flavors of
> basic and c. I'm certainly not daunted by the shell,
> command line, or
> non-graphical interfaces, in fact, they hold some
> sort of sick romantic
> draw for me. Should I start with a more
> user-friendly distribution or do
> you think I can handle Slackware?
> B) I read about the upcoming InstallFest June 22nd.
> I am very
> interested, and will probably attend if I haven't
> gotten this figured
> out by then (I'm pretty busy, so that's a definite
> possibility). I know
> I need to drag my tower, monitors and cables along,
> but do I need to
> bring a distribution?
> I will be installing to a swappable primary drive,
> so loss of
> productivity and time is not a problem during
> installation. I want to
> cut my teeth on my workstation, and then eventually
> run
> samba/apache/mysql on my (currently) file server.
> I've got a dual
> Pentium III 1.0Ghz with dual monitors. I do a lot of
> web and SQL
> development, as well as audio/video editing. Is any
> of this going to
> pose roadblocks? Is there anything I should know
> before I dive in?
> Just looking for a little friendly advice and
> counseling.
> "Three o'clock is always too late or too early for
> anything you want to
> do."
> -- Jean-Paul Sartre
> matt wyant | friend, gentleman, scholar
> |
> Tempe, AZ
Hey Matt,
Last time I used slackware was version 4 so I can't
really help you there, but you might want to look at
FreeBSD as well. It's not Linux but it's still great :).
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