Thoughts on InstallFest
Thu, 23 May 2002 10:19:08 -0700 (MST)
Am 23. May, 2002 schwätzte so:
> 1. Responsiblilty - What happens if we toast someone's data? Are we liable?
> Should people sign a release? How do other LUGs handle this issue?
We need a disclaimer on the web page about the Installfest. A release
probably isn't a bad idea. Anything about one in the Installfest HOWTO? If
most Installfests don't have one, I'd like to avoid having one.
> 2. Folow up - They walk away with Linux installed, but now what? As Henry
> White says "This ain't Windows any more." Where do they turn for help? Is
> the club ready to receive a bunch of newbies with questions? Without
> follow up the idea will persist that Linux is hard to use. I beleive most
> distros only offer telephone help with the retail box not a downloaded ISO
> we burned to a CD.
If the training is further along at the time we can promote that. In fact,
I'd like to work that into the press announcement. Something like "Also
planned is a new series of free classes about GNU/Linux". We can definitely
promote the meetings, the list and Stammtisch as places for follow up.
Maybe we can start up the newbie meetings we've discussed. Should that be
the same as the classes or something else?
What about a list of consultants from the group? I don't want us to imply
that PLUG offers free 24/7 support. The list can be a source of advice
and assistance, but it's not an obligation to tech support. Yeah, we do
pretty good, but we need to avoid giving people the impression that it's a
replacement for professional support.
> 3. Freedom - The InstallFest is a good opportunity to talk about freedom
> being so close the the 4th of July. If they go way just thinking that
> Linux is free (as in free beer) we haven't done our job.
If we have another room or can isolate part of the main room we can show the
rms talk, maybe the esr talk as well. I can do a spiel about Free Software.
I'm certain others can too.
> Maybe a little hand out about where to look for help and what PLUG can
> offer along with an intro to software and freedom is in order. Spread the
> Word!
A one or two page handout would be a good idea.
> I've got 50 Linux case badges featuring Tux and the
> American flag that we can give to every successful
> install. View USA Ver 2 here - http://scotgold.cyber-
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