InstallFest Press Release
Dennis Kibbe
Thu, 23 May 2002 06:31:15 -0700
I've written a short press release about the InstallFest that Bill might want
to fax to KTAR's Computer Corner show which is every Saturday morning from
10:00-11:45. It would be great to get a mention on the show and even better
if they did a remote or at least a call in to see how things are going. The
show is sponsored by Data Doctors .
Feel free to make any improvements to my humble efforts. Do a Google search on
"How to write a press release" for tips.
Dennis Kibbe
Ps - be sure to double space the printed copy
<today's date here>
On Saturday June 22 from 10am to 4pm the Phoenix Linux Users Group will
sponsor a Linux InstallFest at Scottsdale Community College, 9000 E. Chaperal
Rd., Scottsdale. This is an opportunity for computers users to receive expert
help in installing Linux, a freely available operating system, on their
personal computer.
Because it freely downloadable from the Internet or available as an
inexpensive distribution at most local computer stores Linux is an
increasingly popular alternative to commercial operating systems such as
Microsoft Windows. In addition Linux is considered by many computer experts
to be a more robust and secure operating system.
Computer users are welcome to bring their personal computers to the event and
receive help from PLUG members in installing Linux along side Microsoft
Windows on their computers. There is no charge for this service. Club members
will available to answer questions about Linux as well. The event is open to
the public.
For more information about the InstallFest please contact <put contact info
here - Bill, I guess you're it!>
More informationa about PLUG can be found on the website at .