Procmail filter question

Wed, 22 May 2002 14:40:04 -0700 (MST)

Am 22. May, 2002 schwätzte so:

> I appreciate the tip.  However, I don't know how to do that with Procmail
> filters.  It is supposed to work like grep.  In grep this: "\bname"
> (including the quotes) will find the line I want.  In the Procmail filters
> \bname (no quotes) does not find the line.
> Is there something in the syntax I am not understanding so that Procmail
> will find that line with the leading tab?

Look at the manpages for procmailrc and procmailex. You shouldn't need to
detect the whitespace at the beginning, though.

* name=.*\.(your|list|of|extentions)

I'd think that would work, but that might be too vague.

I was hoping '[:space:]' would work, but didn't see anything like that in
the manpages.

Did you try '\t' for tab rather than '\b' for word break?

There's probably a procmail howto on the LDP.


#  kill telnet, long live ssh - der.hans