Connecting Linux desktop users to a Windows file server?
Lynn David Newton
Thu, 16 May 2002 20:26:43 -0700
I'm dealing with this problem myself right now ... I'm
the only one who uses the systems, so it's no big deal
for me to su to root to copy files to the shared
filesystem from Linux, but I know I shouldn't have to
do it.
So I jumped right on this model to see if I could make
it work for me. Nothing *ever* works right for me the
first time.
jp> I have lines like this in my /etc/fstab ...
jp> //ms_file_server/share_name /mnt/share_name smbfs noauto,user,username=ntuser,workgroup=NT_DOMAIN_NAME 0 0
I didn't have to use the workgroup name in the
commandline version, so I didn't add that option. In
fact the entry in my fstab now looks like this:
//LynnsXTBox/work /mnt/work smbfs noauto,user,username=lynn 0 0
The first time I tried to mount as non-root I got this:
$ mount /mnt/work
smbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user mounts (30274,30274)
smbmnt failed: 1
Oh really? Hmmm. So ...
$ su
# chmod u+s /usr/bin/smbmnt
$ mount /mnt/work
cannot mount on /mnt/work: Operation not permitted
smbmnt failed: 1
Now what?
Lynn David Newton
Phoenix, AZ