Upgrading to SuSE 8.0
Craig White
15 May 2002 21:10:07 -0700
On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 19:31, Matt wrote:
> I have SuSE 7.3 Personal installed on my computer, and my neighbor burned me
> copies of his 8.0 to upgrade with. I tried using System Update in the
> control center, and it told me to insert CD 1 (of 7.3) I did, it installed
> some packages (even though I installed all packages), and installed a few
> more from CD 2, then finished and closed. I opened the control center up
> again, and it started the same process.
> Then I rebooted with the 7.3 boot floppy and the copied 8.0 CD 1, but it
> wouldn't start the install. Then I put the 7.3 CD 1 in, started up the
> installation process, and put in the 8.0 CD 1. It tried taking me through
> the update process <i>to</i> 7.3.
> I asked my neighbor if a boot floppy came with 8.0, and he said he didn't
> think so, but he could have missed it and accidentally thrown it away. So I
> guess I have two questions: 1) Does SuSE 8.0 come with a boot floppy and 2)
> If not, how do I update my current installation (If yes to #1 I'll probably
> just go out and buy it - it'd be good to have the manuals anyway)?
Probably wouldn't hurt but Redhat stopped including boot floppies a few
versions ago - there is a utilities folder and a number of boot floppy
img files where you can make your own from dos or linux on the first CD
and I would bet dollars to doughnuts that Suse does the same thing.
Suggest you locate the 'readme' file on the first cd.