lost password

Frank Mandato plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Tue, 14 May 2002 12:29:51 -0700


   Methinks that when you reboot your machine at the "boot:" prompt you
have 10 seconds to start typing
AFTER the boot: prompt "Linux single", tyhat puts you in single user
mode and allows you to change the root password.

  I am not sure if you have to put any quotation marks or anything else
with it.

  It should look like this:

  boot: linux single

 hit enter and you are on your way.


Charlie Bullen wrote:

> Its funny that there was another lost password query today. Anyway, I
> have a linux box running redhat 7.2 that I have lost the root password
> on. I do know this, that it is 1 of 2 passwords , as I alternate
> between the 2. That would be simple enough, 50-50 chance, except that
> I mix up capitolization at ramdon and usually save the result in a
> secret place. This time though I wasin a hurry and didn't take the
> time to write down the combination. The letters and numbers used are
> always in the same order, is just the capitolization that changes. On
> a positive note, I always run under my normal user account and only go
> in as root to do administration, but that time has come today. Thanks
> for any help Charlie