Revolution OS

Matt Alexander
Thu, 9 May 2002 22:37:32 -0700 (PDT)

After watching Revolution OS tonight, I think I have a better
understanding of Stallman's insistence on calling it GNU/Linux.  His goal
was to create a completely "Free" operating system.  He started with the
peripheral utilities first and then started work on the kernel last.
Unfortunately, his chosen kernel design proved very complicated and is
taking longer than he had hoped to complete.  In the meantime Linux comes
along, people start adding lots of GNU utilities to create a functioning
OS, and "Linux" takes off like wildfire.  I think Stallman's ego was a bit
bruised by this, even though he claims all his work is for the good of the
community.  So now all the software that he helped create with a
particular goal in mind is being used in places and in combinations that
conflict with his deeply held beliefs.  His goal in getting people to use
"GNU/Linux" (and he mentions this directly in the movie) is so that
they'll think to themselves, "What the heck is GNU?" and they'll
investigate it further and hopefully learn more about his ideals for

Other random observations...
Linus playing on stage with his two daughters and ignoring RMS while he
spoke, seemed like a bit of passive aggression.  Although, RMS basically
said that it was a smack in the face to present him with the "Linux" award
anyway, which I'm sure annoyed Linus.
Did anyone else think that ESR's response to the "communism" question
seemed a little over the top?
The ending of the movie was rather odd...  stark white letters on a black
background saying that RedHat and VA's stock was at a couple bucks.  Then
some random group of guys singing Stallman's "Free Software" song.  Was
the director trying to say something like, "Linux isn't about the money"
or was it like Stallman saying, "Neener, neener, neener!" or...?

Personally, I would agree with Bruce Perens in that Free software and
proprietary software can peacefully coexist.  I'm sure Bruce's diverging
from Stallman's beliefs and creating the Open Source definition didn't
make Stallman very happy.  Stallman probably feels rather isolated and
rejected right now, which may account for his harsh behavior recently.
He's frustrated and trying to shout his beliefs to everyone, but not many
people are listening.