Name resolution in a Windows enviornment
Kevin Brown
Wed, 01 May 2002 17:37:44 -0700
OK, sounds like you are getting a couple things confused. WINS servers are used
for windows boxes to find each other by name. These get configured into Samba
in the smb.conf file. DNS is used to find a standard domain name out on the Net
or in an internal network. DNS translates to
So, add the WINS servers to smb.conf, DNS servers to /etc/resolv.conf and then
Samba should be able to translate a Windows box name to an IP. You don't need
to change anything in /etc/hosts.conf or resolv.conf for Samba.
> thanks Kevin,
> but I've already done that. it seems (and I'm not a windows person or a sys Admin so if I got this wrong someone please correct me). that they are using netbios to do the name resolution. I *do* have a DNS server set up but it doesn't seem to get me anything.
> Carl Parrish
> >
> > From: "Kevin Brown" <>
> > Date: 2002/05/01 Wed PM 08:04:53 EDT
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Name resolution in a Windows enviornment
> >
> > You have to add your DNS servers to /etc/resolv.conf to resolve a domain name to
> > an IP address.
> >
> > > Okay I'm the only Linux box in a windows office. If I can't get it talking to the network soon I'm afraid their going to make me work on an NT box. HELP. Okay first I do have samba up and running. I can do nmblookup on all of the computers on the net and can smbclient into any share. What I can't do is ping *any* box either on the network or on the internet by name. (IP address works). So I'm assuming that for whatever reason I'm not connecting to the WINS server (only I must be right or else samba wouldn't work). So I'm thinking something must have to be added to /etc/host.conf . Right now I have "order host,bin" I tried sliping wins in there but that didn't go over so well.
> > >
> > > On a related issue I'm trying to create a mount to a share since I can smbclient into it I'm assuming that this *has* to be possible I tried using smbmnt but I think I've got the syntax screwed up (yes I've read the man but still....). The are really open to going completly to Linux but over the last three days I haven't been able to impress. If anyone has any ideas I'd be eternally greatful.
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