Beating a dead horse - Consumer Broadband and Digital Television
Promotion Act
George Toft
Sun, 31 Mar 2002 11:20:29 -0500
Oh, like trying to make a VHS copy of a DVD? The DVD player won't
allow it without getting trick with extra equipment.
Alan Dayley wrote:
> This is like that local law we have about a stadium tax where the people who
> live in the county weren't supposed to pay the car rental and hotel tax.
> Ever try to rent a car without paying the tax? Can't be done, you pay the
> tax because everyone just shrugs and says "we have no way of tracking that."
> The provision was there to make everyone want to vote for it but now we get
> stuck paying.
> Same here. They want to tell us that we will still be able to copy for
> personal use so it is easier to swallow. But when implemented, we won't be
> able to copy because "pulling this off" will not be practical. And they will
> just shrug and say "oh, well"
> Bad law! Bad, bad law!
> Alan
> On Saturday 30 March 2002 02:04 am, you wrote:
> > This one really baffles me. This bill requires a copy protection
> > system to be implemented on digitial media capable devices, yet
> > section 3.(e)(1) Personal Use Copies, states the security measures
> > must allow copying material as allowed under the US Copyright laws.
> >
> > So how are they going to pull this one off? Create a copy protection
> > system that prevents copying yet allows copying. OK. Sure. Whatever.
> >
> > Can someone hit me with a clue stick so I can understand this?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >
> > George
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